FF Widgets is a premium Framer template designed for CVs and personal portfolios. Use a variety of box widgets to showcase your work, professional achievements and social links. Spiced up with eye-catching elements like the analog clock, this responsive template makes it easy to create a visually appealing online resume with that certain something.
CMS Powered Projects, Side-Projects and Experience
SEO Optimized
Newsletter Signup
Reusable Box Component
Three Themes: Dark, Light and Brutalist
Lifetime Free Updates
This template has been built on Framer. Upon completion of your purchase, you will receive a remix link that allows you to duplicate the template.
Get 3 months of Framer Pro for FREE by using this code:
→ Preview: https://ff-widgets.framer.website/
Refunds will be considered if technical issues or failures preventing access to essential features of the template persist and cannot be fixed in a reasonable period.
Refunds will not be granted for change of mind or misuse of the template.